Browsing NIBIO Brage by Author "Espevig, Tatsiana"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A first evaluation of the GREENCAST prediction model for timing of fungicide application on Scandinavian golf courses
Aamlid, Trygve; Espevig, Tatsiana; Pettersen, Trond (Bioforsk rapport;8(94) 2013, Research report, 2013)Syngenta’s GREENCAST model was used to predict timing of fungicide application against microdochium patch and pink snow mold caused by Microdochium nivale on an experimental golf green with annual bluegrass (Poa annua) at ... -
Current and new formulations of the plant growth regulator Primo MAXX® (trinexapac-ethyl) for turfgrass
Vågen, Ingunn Molund; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Espevig, Tatsiana; Pettersen, Trond; Ruuttunen, Pentti; Aamlid, Trygve (Bioforsk rapport;8(186) 2013, Research report, 2013-12-31)This report presents results and recommendations based on based on four field trials with increasing rates of two different formulations of the plant growth regulator Primo MAXX® (trinexapac-ethyl) on golf course greens ... -
Dehardening resistance of six turfgrasses used on golf greens
Espevig, Tatsiana; Höglind, Mats; Aamlid, Trygve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-02-20)Winter injuries on golf greens cause big economic losses in Scandinavia. Dehardening resistance and rehardening capacity are important traits for survival of low freezing temperatures following warm spells during winter ... -
Effect of nitrogen in late autumn on microdochium patch on Nordic golf greens
Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve; Pettersen, Trond; Kvalbein, Agnar (Chapter, 2018) -
Effect of rolling on Microdochium patch – field trial at Copenhagen Golf Club 2020-21
Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Nilsson, Martin P.; Kvalbein, Agnar; Espevig, Tatsiana (NIBIO-rapport;8(109) 2022, Research report, 2022-08)I feltforsøk med lett rulling av en rødsvingeldominert golfgreen ved Københavns golfklubb i 2020 og 2021 ble effekten på Microdochiumflekk studert. Greenen ble rullet to eller fire ganger i uka i tre eller fem måneder fram ... -
Effects of rolling and N-fertilization on dollar spot and Microdochium patch on golf greens in Scandinavia
Espevig, Tatsiana; Usoltseva, Marina; Norman, Karin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-06)Dollar spot was officially documented in Scandinavia in 2013 and the spread and damage from this disease has increased during last years. In summer 2017, on the golf greens with red fescue (Vallda GC, Sweden) and with the ... -
Effects of ‘arGrow Turf’ fertilizer on turf quality, freezing tolerance and water soluble carbohydrates in creeping bentgrass
Kvalbein, Agnar; Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve (NIBIO RAPPORT;3(133) 2017, Research report, 2017-11-16)Denne rapporten er fra et forsøk med sammenlikning av den aminosyre-baserte gjødsla arGrow Turf (SweTree Nutrition AB, Umeå, Sverige) og mineralgjødsla Wallco (kontroll), tilført som ukentlig sprøytegjødsling fra 14.sept ... -
Evaluation of Different Integrate Turf Management Programs to Reduce Microdochium Patch
Frisk, Carl A.; Ferguson, Mark; Spring, Christian; Pettersen, Trond; Espevig, Tatsiana (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2023)To reduce the dependency of fungicides in treating turf grass diseases we investigated the use of biostimulants and colour pigments and their capacity to prevent the proliferation of microdochium and anthracnose on annual ... -
Evaluation of the plant growth regulator Primo®MAXX® (trinexapac-ethyl) on Nordic golf courses. Results from the first evaluation year 2007
Aamlid, Trygve; Niemelainen, Oiva; Rannikko, Maire; Haugen, Terje; Junnila, Sanni; Espevig, Tatsiana; Susort, Åge (Bioforsk rapport;3(1) 2008, Research report, 2008-01-03)This report presents first year results from a two year project evaluating the plant growth regulator Primo MAXX® (trineexapac-ethyl) on Nordic golf courses. -
Evaluation of the plant growth regulator Primo®MAXX® (trinexapac-ethyl) on Nordic golf courses. Results from the second evaluation year 2008 and recommendations
Aamlid, Trygve; Niemelainen, Oiva; Rannikko, Maire; Noteng, Olav; Waldner, Michael; Haugen, Terje; Junnila, Sanni; Pettersen, Trond; Espevig, Tatsiana (Bioforsk rapport;4(4) 2009, Research report, 2009-01-19)This report presents second year results and recommendations based on a two year project evaluating the plant growth regulator Primo MAXX® (trineexapac-ethyl) on Nordic golf courses. -
Evaluation of the surfactant Aqueduct® for recovery of turfgrass quality on a severely waterrepellent golf green
Aamlid, Trygve; Espevig, Tatsiana; Pettersen, Trond; Skar, Siv; Kvalbein, Agnar (Bioforsk rapport;3(148) 2008, Research report, 2008-11-28)This research has demonstrated the ability of the surfactant Aqueduct® to increase soil water content and restore turfgrass quality on severely to extremely water-repellent golf greens with severe drought symptoms. -
Evaluation of turfgrass varieties for use on Scandinavian putting greens, 2007-2010. Results from the sowing year 2007
Molteberg, Bjørn; Aamlid, Trygve; Thorvaldsson, Gudni; Hammarlund, Anders; Enger, Frank; Espevig, Tatsiana; Susort, Åge; Nord, Daniel (Bioforsk rapport;2(159) 2007, Research report, 2007-12-17)This report gives the results of the sowing year 2007 from testing of turfgrass varieties for use on Scandinavian putting greens. The total project period is 2007-2010. -
Potential of NanoPro to reduce fungicide rate for control Microdochium nivale on an annual bluegrass (Poa annua) green
Espevig, Tatsiana; Pettersen, Trond; Aamlid, Trygve (NIBIO Rapport;5(80) 2019, Research report, 2019-06)Dette er den første rapporten om potensialet for additivet NanoPro til å redusere doseringen av de to mest brukte fungicider for bekjemping av mikrodochium flekk (Microdochium nivale), den økonomisk viktigste sykdommen på ... -
Reduced leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus using nutrient coated perennial ryegrass seed (iSeed®)
Kusliene, , Gedrime; Pettersen, Trond; Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve (Bioforsk rapport;5(116) 2010, Research report, 2010-10-23)This report presents results from a field trial evaluating the effect of iSeed® coating on turf quality and nitrogen and phosphorus leaching during the grow-in of athletic fields on sand-based rootzones. -
SCANGREEN 2015-18: Turfgrass species, varieties, seed mixtures and seed blends for Scandinavian putting greens. Final results from a four year testing period
Aamlid, Trygve; Heltoft, Pia; Thorvaldsson, Gudni; Jensen, Anne Mette Dahl; Espevig, Tatsiana; Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Waalen, Wendy; Petersen, Torben Kastrup; Pettersen, Trond; Tangsveen, Jan; Sørensen, Per; Gneist, Tania; Hannesson, Bjarni (NIBIO Rapport;5/154/2019, Research report, 2021-01-08)Denne tekst er sluttrapport for STERF-prosjektet: SCANGREEN 2015-18 -
SCANGREEN 2019-2022: Turfgrass species, varieties and seed mixtures for Scandinavian putting greens. Final results from a four-year testing period.
Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Borchert, Anne Friederike; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Hannesson, Bjarni; Rasmussen, Per; Normann, Karin; Espevig, Tatsiana; DaCosta, Michelle; Watkins, Eric; Hollman, Andrew; Hornslien, Jørgen; Pettersen, Trond; Heltoft, Pia (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2023)The objective of SCANGREEN 2019-22 was to find species, varieties and seed blends/mixtures of Agrostis, Festuca, Poa and Lolium that are suited for pesticide-free management of putting greens in the two major climatic zones ... -
Testing of alternative plant protection products for the control of Microdochium nivale and other diseases on golf greens. Results from the experimental period 1 October 2011 – 1 March 2013
Aamlid, Trygve; Paaske, Klaus; Wiik, Lars; Espevig, Tatsiana; Tronsmo, Arne; Pettersen, Trond; Dahl Jensen, Anne Mette; Andersson, Per Göran (Bioforsk rapport;8(54) 2013, Research report, 2013-03-20)This progress report presents preliminary results from a project providing data for potential registration of Turf S+ (bacterial product containing Streptomyces) and Turf G+/WPG (fungal product containing Gliocladium ... -
Testing of alternative plant protection products for the control of Microdochium nivale and other diseases on golf greens.Final report from a three year Project, Oct. 2011 - Sep. 2014
Aamlid, Trygve; Espevig, Tatsiana; Tronsmo, Arne; Paaske, Klaus; Wiik, Lars; Pettersen, Trond; Steensohn, Anne; Hetland, Ove; Dahl Jensen, Anne Mette; Anderson, Per Göran (Bioforsk Rapport;, Research report, 2014)This report presents results from a project testing Turf G+/WPG (fungal products containing Gliocladium catenulatum) and Turf S+/WPS (bacterial products containing Streptomyces spp.), both from Interagro BIOS AB, and ... -
Testing of Nano-Gro on established turf at fairway mowing height (15 mm)
Pettersen, Trond; Aamlid, Trygve (NIBIO Rapport;5(167) 2019, Research report, 2019-12)This a first report from testing of NanoGro on established fairway. The aim of the trial was to investigate the potential of NanoGro to improve turfgrass quality and reduce fertilizer cost on established turf at fairway ... -
The effect of temperature on the in vitro growth rate of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa isolates of different origin
Entwistle, Kate; Espevig, Tatsiana; Crouch, Jo Anne; Normann, Karin; Usoltseva, Marina (Chapter, 2018)