Blar i NIBIO Brage på forfatter "Hamborg, Zhibo"
Assessments of rooting, vegetative growth, bulb production, genetic integrity and biochemical compounds in cryopreserved plants of shallot
Wang, Min-Rui; Hamborg, Zhibo; Slimestad, Rune; Elameen, Abdelhameed; Blystad, Dag-Ragnar; Haugslien, Sissel; Skjeseth, Gry; Wang, Qiao‑Chun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04-27)Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum), a small bulb onion, is widely grown in the world. We previously reported a droplet-vitrification for cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of shallot genotype ‘10603’. The ... -
Combining thermotherapy with meristem culture for improved eradication of onion yellow dwarf virus and shallot latent virus from infected in vitro-cultured shallot shoots
Wang, Min-Rui; Hamborg, Zhibo; Blystad, Dag-Ragnar; Wang, Qiao-Chun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-09-25)The present study described a combining thermotherapy with meristem culture for improved eradication of onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) and shallot latent virus (SLV) from co‐infected in vitro‐cultured shallot shoots. In ... -
Double-edged effects of the cryogenic technique for virus eradication and preservation in shallot shoot tips
Wang, Min-Rui; Hamborg, Zhibo; Ma, Xiao-Yan; Blystad, Dag-Ragnar; Wang, Qiaochun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-04)Plant virus eradication is a prerequisite for the use of virus-free propagules for sustainable crop production. In contrast, virus preservation is required for all types of applied and basic research of viruses. Shoot tip ... -
Epigenetic and Genetic Integrity, Metabolic Stability, and Field Performance of Cryopreserved Plants
Wang, Min-Rui; Bi, Wenlu; Shukla, Mukund R.; Ren, Li; Hamborg, Zhibo; Blystad, Dag-Ragnar; Saxena, Praveen K.; Wang, Qiao-Chun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-13)Cryopreservation is considered an ideal strategy for the long-term preservation of plant genetic resources. Significant progress was achieved over the past several decades, resulting in the successful cryopreservation of ... -
Exogenous application of salicylic acid improves eradication of apple stem grooving virus and apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in apple
Ma, Xiao-Yan; Li, Jin-Wei; Li, Qing; Yan, Zi-Han; Cheng, Xi; Wang, Min-Rui; Hamborg, Zhibo; Bao, Lu; Zhang, Dong; Li, Min-Ji (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-05-22)The presence of viral diseases poses a significant challenge to the high-quality, efficient, and sustainable production of apples. Virus eradication and the use of virus-free plants are currently the most crucial method ... -
Known and Potential Invertebrate Vectors of Raspberry Viruses
Tan, Jiunn Luh; Trandem, Nina; Fránová, Jana; Hamborg, Zhibo; Blystad, Dag Ragnar; Zemek, Rostislav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-10)The estimated global production of raspberry from year 2016 to 2020 averaged 846,515 tons. The most common cultivated Rubus spp. is European red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L. subsp. idaeus). Often cultivated for its high ... -
Molecular Characterization of a Novel Rubodvirus Infecting Raspberries
Hamborg, Zhibo; Blystad, Dag Ragnar; Ondrej, Lenz; Igor, Koloniuk; Tatiana, Sarkisova; Radek, Cmejla; Lucie, Valentova; Martina, Rejlova; Jiri, Sedlak; Bijaya, Sapkota; Jiunn Luh, Tan; Rostislav, Zemek; Jana, Franova (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-07-03)A novel negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus showing genetic similarity to viruses of the genus Rubodvirus has been found in raspberry plants in the Czech Republic and has tentatively been named raspberry rubodvirus 1 ... -
Overvåking- og kartleggingsprogram for tomatbrunflekkvirus i 2021 og 2022. Analysene er utført på oppdrag fra Mattilsynet
Blystad, Dag Ragnar; Hamborg, Zhibo (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2023)Tomat er følsom for mange virus og viroider, men det har likevel ikke vært vanlig å finne virus og viroider i norske tomatveksthus de siste ti-årene. Det har nå dukket opp et nytt virus i tomat i Europa som vekker stor ... -
Overvåknings- og kartleggingsprogram for sharkavirus i 2023
Blystad, Dag Ragnar; Haugslien, Sissel; Birkenes, Svein Magne; Hamborg, Zhibo (NIBIO RAPPORT;10(116) 2024, Research report, 2024-10-23)Sharkavirus (Plum pox virus, PPV) er en karanteneskadegjører som har blitt funnet i plomme, fersken og aprikos i Norge. Første påvisning var i 1998. Fra 1998 til 2013 ble det utført kartleggings- og utryddingsprogram flere ... -
Smitte av plantesjukdommer i importert frø til hobbydyrking i Norge – Resultater fra STOPPest-prosjektet i 2023
Brodal, Guro; Harteveld, Dalphy; Hamborg, Zhibo; Blystad, Dag Ragnar; Kvist Simonsen, Silje; Talgø, Venche; Pettersson, Martin (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2024)STOPPest-prosjektet («Risk management of imported plants and seeds: possibilities for improved pest detection to prevent the introduction and spread of new pests» 2021-2025) har som mål å gå igjennom dagens norske ... -
Thrips species occurring in red raspberry, Rubus idaeus L., in South Norway
Tan, Jiunn Luh; Trandem, Nina; Hamborg, Zhibo; Fránová, Jana; Blystad, Dag Ragnar; Zemek, Rostislav (Journal article, 2024-05-10)Aim of study: Thrips in raspberry crops are receiving attention in Scandinavian raspberry production because of the increasing sighting of their presence in the flowers. Specific information on thrips species occurring in ...