Browsing NIBIO Brage by Author "Matsiakh, Iryna"
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Forewarned is forearmed: harmonized approaches for early detection of potentially invasive pests and pathogens in sentinel plantings
Morales-Rodríguez, Carmen; Anslan, Sten; Auger-Rozenberg, Marie-Anne; Augustin, Sylvie; Baranchikov, Yuri; Bellahirech, Amani; Burokienė, Daiva; Čepukoit, Dovilė; Çota, Ejup; Davydenko, Kateryna; Lehtijärvi, H. Tuğba Doğmuş; Drenkhan, Rein; Drenkhan, Tiia; Eschen, René; Franić, Iva; Glavendekić, Milka; de Groot, Maarten; Kacprzyk, Magdalena; Kenis, Marc; Kirichenko, Natalia; Matsiakh, Iryna; Musolin, Dmitry L.; Nowakowska, Justyna A.; O’Hanlon, Richard; Prospero, Simone; Roques, Alain; Santini, Alberto; Talgø, Venche; Tedersoo, Leho; Uimari, Anne; Vannini, Andrea; Witzell, Johanna; Woodward, Steve; Zambounis, Antonios; Cleary, Michelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-21)The number of invasive alien pest and pathogen species affecting ecosystem functioning, human health and economies has increased dramatically over the last decades. Discoveries of invasive pests and pathogens previously ... -
The Relationship between Fungal Diversity and Invasibility of a Foliar Niche—The Case of Ash Dieback
Agan, Ahto; Drenkhan, Rein; Adamson, Kalev; Tedersoo, Leho; Solheim, Halvor; Børja, Isabella; Matsiakh, Iryna; Timmermann, Volkmar; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Hietala, Ari Mikko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-08-26)European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is threatened by the invasive ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus originating from Asia. Ash leaf tissues serve as a route for shoot infection but also as a sporulation substrate for this ...