Now showing items 301-320 of 534

    • Phytophthora Delrapport for 2018 i OK-programmet «Nematoder og Phytophthora spp. i jord på importerte planter” 

      Talgø, Venche; Pettersson, Martin; Brurberg, May Bente (NIBIO-rapport;5(62) 2019, Research report, 2019-05)
      I 2018 vart totalt 130 prøvar av jord frå importerte grøntanleggsplanter analyserte for nematodar og Phytophthora spp. i OK-programmet «Nematoder og Phytophthora spp. i jord på importerte planter”. Prøvane vart tatt ut av ...
    • Attraction of Chrysotropia ciliata (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) Males to P-Anisaldehyde, a Compound with Presumed Pheromone Function 

      Thöming, Gunda; Koczor, Sándor; Szentkirályi, Ferenc; Norli, Hans Ragnar; Tasin, Marco; Knudsen, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06-26)
      In a field-trapping experiment with plant volatiles, we observed notably high attraction of green lacewing (Chrysotropia ciliata) males to the compound p-anisaldehyde. Based on this finding, we initiated the present study ...
    • Seasonal dynamics of lotic bacterial communities assessed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon deep sequencing 

      Paruch, Lisa; Paruch, Adam; Eiken, Hans Geir; Skogen, Monica; Sørheim, Roald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10-02)
      Aquatic microbial diversity, composition, and dynamics play vital roles in sustaining water ecosystem functionality. Yet, there is still limited knowledge on bacterial seasonal dynamics in lotic environments. This study ...
    • The invasive forest pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus boosts mortality and triggers niche replacement of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) 

      Díaz-Yáñez, Olalla; Mola-Yudego, Blas; Timmermann, Volkmar; Tollefsrud, Mari Mette; Hietala, Ari Mikko; Oliva, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-24)
      Determining the impacts of invasive pathogens on tree mortality and growth is a difficult task, in particular in the case of species occurring naturally at low frequencies in mixed stands. In this study, we quantify such ...
    • Seed germination after 30 years storage in permafrost 

      Solberg, Svein Øivind; Brodal, Guro; von Bothmer, Roland; Meen, Eivind; Yndgaard, Flemming; Andreasen, C; Asdal, Åsmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-05-02)
      More than 30 years ago, the Nordic Gene Bank established a long-term experiment on seeds stored under permafrost conditions in an abandoned mine corridor in Svalbard, as a tool to monitor storage life under these conditions. ...
    • Hvordan redusere risiko for mykotoksiner i korn? 

      Hofgaard, Ingerd Skow; Aamot, Heidi Udnes; Brodal, Guro; Lundon, Aina; Hjelkrem, Anne-Grete Roer; Lillemo, Morten; Strand, Einar (NIBIO-POP;6(40) 2020, Journal article, 2020-12)
      Aksfusariose er en kornsjukdom som kan angripe alle kornarter. Sjukdommen forårsakes av sopparter innen slekta Fusarium. Ulike Fusarium-arter kan produsere en rekke forskjellige mykotoksiner (soppgifter). Grenseverdier for ...
    • Klimakur 2030 – beskrivelse av utvalgte klimatiltak knyttet til skog. Supplement. 

      Søgaard, Gunnhild; Alfredsen, Gry; Fernández, Clara Antón; Astrup, Rasmus Andreas; Belbo, Helmer; Clarke, Nicholas; Eriksen, Rune; Granhus, Aksel; Hanssen, Kjersti Holt; Hietala, Ari Mikko; Kockum, Frans; Mohr, Christian Wilhelm; Nordbakken, Jørn-Frode; Stokland, Jogeir Nicolai; Sverker, Jennie; Økland, Tonje (NIBIO rapport;6(153) 2020, Research report, 2020-11)
      Det årlige netto opptaket i skogen i Norge økte frem til 2009 (over 35 mill. tonn), og har etter det vist en avtakende trend. I 2018 var det et netto opptak på i underkant av 28 millioner tonn CO2- ekvivalenter. Størrelsen ...
    • Overvåkingsresultater for plantevernmidler i næringsmidler 2019 

      Bolli, Randi; Christiansen, Agnethe (NIBIO pop;6(42) 2020, Journal article, 2020-11)
      I 2019 ble det analysert 1105 prøver av konvensjonelle ferske, fryste eller bearbeidede matvarer og 158 prøver av økologiske matvarer i overvåkingsprogrammet «Rester av plantevernmidler i næringsmidler» som NIBIO utfører ...
    • Kartlegging av Phytophthora langs ny E18 trasé mellom Retvet og Vinterbro 

      Pettersson, Martin; Brurberg, May Bente; Talgø, Venche (NIBIO rapport;6(139) 2020, Research report, 2020-11)
      En kartlegging av Phytophthora langs den planlagte nye E18 Retvet-Vinterbro traséen ble gjennomført i 2020. Undersøkelsen bygget delvis videre på en visuell inspeksjon av et mindre område i 2019 der det ble oppdaget ...
    • Parallel Microbial Ecology of Pasteuria and Nematode Species in Scottish Soils 

      Orr, Jamie N.; Neilson, Roy; Freitag, Thomas E.; Roberts, David M.; Davies, Keith; Blok, Vivian C.; Cock, Peter J. A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-28)
      Pasteuria spp. are endospore forming bacteria which act as natural antagonists to many of the most economically significant plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs). Highly species-specific nematode suppression may be observed in ...
    • Molecular underpinnings of methyl jasmonate‐induced resistance in Norway spruce 

      Magerøy, Melissa; Wilkinson, Samuel W.; Tengs, Torstein; Cross, Hugh; Almvik, Marit; Petriacq, Pierre; Vivian-Smith, Adam; Zhao, Tao; Fossdal, Carl Gunnar; Krokene, Paal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04-22)
      In response to various stimuli, plants acquire resistance against pests and/or pathogens. Such acquired or induced resistance allows plants to rapidly adapt to their environment. Spraying the bark of mature Norway spruce ...
    • Granbarkbillen. Registrering av bestandsstørrelsene i 2020 

      Økland, Bjørn; Beachell, Andreas Myki (NIBIO rapport;6(129) 2020, Research report, 2020-10)
      Nivået av stor granbarkbille i Sør-Norge er nå 49 % av hva det var ved slutten av barkbilleutbruddet på 1970-tallet. De fleste fylkene eller delfylkene har en økning i fangstene av stor granbarkbille per felle fra 2019 til ...
    • Grass Carp Reovirus Major Outer Capsid Protein VP4 Interacts with RNA Sensor RIG-I to Suppress Interferon Response 

      Su, Hang; Fan, Chengjian; Liao, Zhiwei; Yang, Chunrong; Clarke, Jihong Liu; Zhang, Yongan; Su, Jianguo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04-06)
      Diseases caused by viruses threaten the production industry and food safety of aquaculture which is a great animal protein source. Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) has caused tremendous loss, and the molecular function of viral ...
    • Transcriptome profiling and in silico detection of the antimicrobial peptides of red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus 

      Yakovlev, Igor; Lysøe, Erik; Heldal, Inger; Steen, Hege; Hagen, Snorre; Clarke, Jihong Liu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-29)
      Endogenous antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are evolutionarily ancient factors of innate immunity, which are produced by all multicellular organisms and play a key role in their protection against infection. Red king crab ...
    • Influence of mechanical weeding and fertilisation on perennial weeds, fungal diseases, soil structure and crop yield in organic spring cereals 

      Brandsæter, Lars Olav; Mangerud, Kjell; Andersson, Lars; Børresen, Trond; Brodal, Guro; Melander, Bo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-09)
      There is a need both in organic farming and on farms using integrated pest management for non-chemical measures that control the perennial weed flora. The effect of mechanical weeding and fertilisation on perennial weeds, ...
    • Validation of risk models for control of leaf blotch diseases in wheat in the Nordic and Baltic countries 

      Jørgensen, Lise Nistrup; Matzen, Niels; Ficke, Andrea; Nielsen, Ghita C.; Jalli, Marja; Ronis, Antanas; Andersson, Björn; Djurle, Annika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-05-30)
      Risk models for decisions on fungicide use based on weather data, disease monitoring, and control thresholds are used as important elements in a sustainable cropping system. The need for control of leaf blotch diseases in ...
    • A Review of Non-Chemical Management of Couch Grass (Elymus repens) 

      Ringselle, Björn; De Cauwer, Benny; Salonen, Jukka; Soukup, Josef (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-08-12)
      Couch grass (Elymus repens) is a morphologically diverse, rhizomatous, perennial grass that is a problematic weed in a wide range of crops. It is generally controlled by glyphosate or intensive tillage in the intercrop ...
    • Variability of Major Phenyletanes and Phenylpropanoids in 16-Year-Old Rhodiola rosea L. Clones in Norway 

      Elameen, Abdelhameed; Kosman, Vera M.; Thomsen, Mette Goul; Pozharitskaya, Olga N.; Shikov, Alexander N. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-30)
      Rhodiola rosea L. (roseroot) is an adaptogen plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. The broad spectrum of biological activity of R. rosea is attributed to its major phenyletanes and phenylpropanoids: rosavin, salidroside, ...
    • Postharvest needle retention in Norway spruce Christmas trees 

      Pettersson, Martin; Talgø, Venche; Johnskås, Odd Ragnar; Skage, Jan-Ole; Torp, Torfinn; Fløistad, Inger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-22)
      Norway spruce (Picea abies) is a widely used Christmas tree species in the Nordic countries. Postharvest needle retention is an important characteristic for Christmas trees and compared to many fir (Abies) species, Norway ...
    • Assessing allelochemicals as species-specific attractants for the cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) 

      Jaastad, Gunnhild; Larsson-Herrera, Sebastian; Tasin, Marco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-22)
      Field trapping experiments were carried out in Norway to measure attraction of the cherry bark tortrix (CBT) Enarmonia formosana to volatile blends of candidate compounds including acetic acid (AA), linalool oxide pyranoid ...