Now showing items 464-483 of 521

    • The environmental impacts of wood compared to other building materials 

      Hill, Callum Aidan Stephen; Zimmer, Katrin (NIBIO RAPPORT;4(56) 2018, Research report, 2018-04-25)
      Miljøpåvirkning av tre sammenlignet med andre bygningsmaterialer Den norske regjeringen har satt klare mål for å redusere forbruket av fossil energi og klimagassutslipp. Byggsektoren kan bidra for å nå disse målene ved å: ...
    • The genus Xanthomendoza in Norway 

      Lindblom, Louise Maria; Blom, Hans H.; Timdal, Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-09)
      We distinguish five Xanthomendoza species in Norway, viz., X. borealis, X. fallax, X. fulva, X. oregana, and X. ulophyllodes, based on morphology and molecular evidence. This paper gives an updated taxonomy of the Norwegian ...
    • The potential to use documentation in national Red Lists to characterize red-listed forest species in Fennoscandia and to guide conservation 

      Tingstad, Lise; Grytnes, John-Arvid; Felde, Vivian Astrup; Juslén, Aino; Hyvärinen, Esko; Dahlberg, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-30)
      Loss of biodiversity is a pressing global issue, hence it is vital to facilitate informed and effective conservation. As conservation mainly operates at the level of habitats, aiming for species of conservation interest, ...
    • The red wood ant Formica aquilonia (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) may affect both local species richness and composition at multiple trophic levels in a boreal forest ecosystem 

      Thunes, Karl H; Gjerde, Ivar; Skartveit, John (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In temperate forests, red wood ants (Formica aquilonia) are considered ecosystem engineers affecting ecosystem properties and functions. Possible effects of F. aquilonia ants on species communities of invertebrates and ...
    • Thermal modification of wood—a review: chemical changes and hygroscopicity 

      Hill, Callum Aidan Stephen; Altgen, Michael; Rautkari, Lauri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-07)
      Thermal modification is a well-established commercial technology for improving the dimensional stability and durability of timber. Numerous reviews of thermally modified timber (TMT) are to be found in the scientific ...
    • Thinning regimes and initial spacing for Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil 

      Filho, Antonio Carlos Ferraz; Mola-Yudego, Blas; González-Olabarria, José Ramón; Scolforo, José Roberto Soares (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study focuses on the effects of different thinning regimes on clonal Eucalyptus plantations growth. Four different trials, planted in 1999 and located in Bahia and Espírito Santo States, were used. Aside from thinning, ...
    • Three new Leptographium spp. (Ophiostomatales) infecting hardwood trees in Norway and Poland 

      Jankowiak, Robert; Ostafińska, Agnieszka; Aas, Truls; Solheim, Halvor; Bilański, Piotr; Linnakoski, Riikka; Hausner, Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-06)
      Species of Leptographium are characterized by mononematous or synnematous conidiophores and are commonly associated with different arthropods. Some of them also produce a sexual state characterised by globose ascomata with ...
    • A Tier 1 methodology for estimating changes in soil organic carbon after land use change on mineral soil 

      Bárcena, Teresa G.; Dalsgaard, Lise; Strand, Line Tau; Mohr, Christian Wilhelm; Bjørkelo, Knut; Eriksen, Rune; Søgaard, Gunnhild (NIBIO-rapport;7(49) 2021, Research report, 2021-03)
      Denne publikasjonen presenterer en ny metodikk for estimering av endringer i lageret av jordkarbon som følge av arealbruksendringer på mineraljord. Metodikken er utviklet for bruk i den nasjonale rapporteringen av ...
    • Tilleggsfôring av reinsdyr 

      Eilertsen, Svein; Winje, Erlend (NIBIO POP;3(43) 2017, Others, 2017-12)
      Tilleggsfôring av reinen under vanskelige driftsmessige situasjoner, eller som del av driftsopplegget under samling og flytting av reinflokken.
    • Tilstand i foryngelsesfelt. Analyse basert på data fra Resultatkartleggingen, Landsskogtakseringen og Økonomisystem for skogordningene (ØKS) 

      Granhus, Aksel; Breidenbach, Johannes; Eriksen, Rune; Gjertsen, Arnt Kristian; Solberg, Svein (NIBIO Rapport;4(159) 2018, Research report, 2018-12-28)
      Denne rapporten sammenstiller informasjon om tilstand og utviklingstendenser for foryngelse i skog, med utgangspunkt i data fra Resultatkartleggingen, Landsskogtakseringen og Økonomisystem for Skogordningene (ØKS). Oppdraget ...
    • Tilstand og utvikling i skog 2002-2017 for noen utvalgte miljøegenskaper 

      Stokland, Jogeir Nicolai; Eriksen, Rune; Granhus, Aksel (NIBIO-rapport;6(133) 2020, Research report, 2020-12)
      Denne rapporten belyser utviklingstrekk for utvalgte skogegenskaper, hovedsakelig for perioden 2002-2017, basert på data fra Landsskogtakseringen. Dette er utviklingstrekk som reflekterer hvordan norsk skogbruk praktiseres ...
    • Timber volume estimation based on airborne laser scanning — comparing the use of national forest inventory and forest management inventory data 

      Rahlf, Johannes; Hauglin, Marius; Astrup, Rasmus Andreas; Breidenbach, Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-17)
      Key message Large-scale forest resource maps based on national forest inventory (NFI) data and airborne laser scanning may facilitate synergies between NFIs and forest management inventories (FMIs). A comparison of models ...
    • Timing and duration of drought modulate tree growth response in pure and mixed stands of Scots pine and Norway spruce 

      Aldea, Jorge; Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo; del Río, Miren; Pretzsch, Hans; Heym, Michael; Brazaitis, Gediminas; Jansons, Aris; Metslaid, Marek; Barbeito, Ignacio; Bielak, Kamil; Hylen, Gro; Holm, Stig-Olof; Nothdurft, Arne; Sitko, Roman; Löf, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-08)
      1. Climate change is increasing the severity and frequency of droughts around the globe, leading to tree mortality that reduces production and provision of other ecosystem services. Recent studies show that growth of mixed ...
    • Trafficability Prediction Using Depth-to-Water Maps: the Status of Application in Northern and Central European Forestry 

      Hoffmann, Stephan; Schönauer, Marian; Heppelmann, Joachim; Asikainen, Antti; Cacot, Emmanuel; Eberhard, Benno; Hasenauer, Hubert; Ivanovs, Janis; Jaeger, Dirk; Lazdins, Andis; Mohtashami, Sima; Moskalik, Tadeusz; Nordfjell, Tomas; Stereńczak, Krzysztof; Talbot, Bruce; Uusitalo, Jori; Vuillermoz, Morgan; Astrup, Rasmus Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-08)
      Purpose of Review Mechanized logging operations with ground-based equipment commonly represent European production forestry but are well-known to potentially cause soil impacts through various forms of soil disturbances, ...
    • Transcriptome profiling and in silico detection of the antimicrobial peptides of red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus 

      Yakovlev, Igor; Lysøe, Erik; Heldal, Inger; Steen, Hege; Hagen, Snorre; Clarke, Jihong Liu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-29)
      Endogenous antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are evolutionarily ancient factors of innate immunity, which are produced by all multicellular organisms and play a key role in their protection against infection. Red king crab ...
    • The Transportation Game 

      Abasian, Foroogh; Rönnqvist, Mikael; Marier, Philippe; Fjeld, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04-13)
      This paper presents an online educational game focusing on hierarchical procurement planning in a simulated forest supply chain with multiple companies. The purpose is to provide an understanding of the importance of ...
    • Trebasert karbonlagring i bygningsmasse 

      Alfredsen, Gry; Sandland, Knut Magnar; Tellnes, Lars Gunnar; Selvig, Eivind (NIBIO rapport;6(148) 2020, Research report, 2020-11)
      Råstoff fra skog er en viktig brikke for det grønne skiftet i Norge. Trebaserte bygningsmaterialer edfører som hovedregel lave utslipp i produksjonen og bidrar dessuten til lagring av karbon i et byggs levetid. Hvis ...
    • Trebehandling - Innovasjon, metoder og trender 

      Treu, Andreas; Dalen, Lars Sandved; Gobakken, Lone; Larnøy, Erik; Alfredsen, Gry (Others, 2018)
      I Norge har vi en lang tradisjon for å bygge i tre. Fra vikingskip og stavkirker til moderne høyhus i massivtre: Treteknologisk kunnskap danner grunnlaget for estetisk og funksjonell bruk av tre som byggemateriale. Riktig ...
    • Tree growth is more limited by drought in rear-edge forests most of the times 

      Camarero, J. Julio; Gazol, Antonio; Sangüesa-Barreda, Gabriel; Vergarechea, Marta; Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel; Cattaneo, Nicolas; Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-08)
      Background Equatorward, rear-edge tree populations are natural monitors to estimate species vulnerability to climate change. According to biogeographical theory, exposition to drought events increases with increasing aridity ...
    • Tree log identification using convolutional neural networks 

      Holmström, Eero; Raatevaara, Antti; Pohjankukka, Jonne; Korpunen, Heikki; Uusitalo, Jori (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-08)
      The identification of individual tree logs along the wood procurement chain is a coveted goal within the forest industry. The tracing of logs from the sawmill back to the forest would support the legal and sustainable ...