• Environmentally friendly use of timber in harbour infrastructure/ Miljøvennlig bruk av tre i havneinfrastruktur 

      Treu, Andreas (NIBIO rapport;6(34) 2020, Research report, 2020-03)
      Research activities in the field of wood protection in the marine environment in Europe have been limited and do not yet satisfy the need for new approaches to the problem of biodegradation of Wood in seawater. Alternatives ...
    • Lignification and cell wall thickening of ray parenchyma cells in Scots pine sapwood 

      Zimmer, Katrin; Treu, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-26)
      Scots pine exhibits variations in ray anatomy, which are poorly understood. Some ray parenchyma cells develop thick and lignified cell walls before heartwood formation. We hypothesized that some stands and trees show high ...
    • Macrobiological Degradation of Esterified Wood with Sorbitol and Citric Acid 

      Treu, Andreas; Nunes, Lina; Larnøy, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-19)
      There is a need for new solutions in wood protection against marine wood borers and termites in Europe. A new solution could be the esterification of wood with sorbitol and citric acid (SCA) since these are inexpensive and ...
    • Trebehandling - Innovasjon, metoder og trender 

      Treu, Andreas; Dalen, Lars Sandved; Gobakken, Lone; Larnøy, Erik; Alfredsen, Gry (Others, 2018)
      I Norge har vi en lang tradisjon for å bygge i tre. Fra vikingskip og stavkirker til moderne høyhus i massivtre: Treteknologisk kunnskap danner grunnlaget for estetisk og funksjonell bruk av tre som byggemateriale. Riktig ...
    • Utilisation of chemically modified lampante oil for wood protection 

      Schwarzkopf, Matthew; Burnard, Michael; Tverezovskiy, Viacheslav; Treu, Andreas; Humar, Miha; Kutnar, Andreja (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-27)
      Within the Slovenian region of Istria, the olive growing and oil production industry is strong. This industry has a long history and the olives grown here have high levels of biologically active compounds including a variety ...