Skog og landskap, Rapport
Nye registreringer
(Chapter, 2010) -
Effects of wood properties on surface mould growth on coated claddings of Norway spruce
(Chapter, 2011)Development of surface moulds and staining fungi on painted spruce panels with known origin and wood properties was investigated over a period of 4 years. Materials of Norway spruce (Picea abies) were sampled from two sites ... -
(Chapter, 2010) -
(Chapter, 2010) -
Wood products in a low current pulsing electric field - a new way to protect wood?
(Chapter, 2011)A new protection system has been tested which protects wood without treating it - by installing a low pulsing electric field. This electro-osmotic pulsing technology on wood, called PLEOT, has been tested in lab trials. ... -
Quantifying fungi in logging residues with real-time PCR
(Chapter, 2011)Logging residues, branches and treetops after logging, were considered in the past as unsalable portions of the felled trees and remained on the landing. Currently, logging residues are harvested, stored in piles for ... -
Natural durability of wood in Norway - results after eight years above ground exposure
(Chapter, 2011)Some of the most common Norwegian wood species were tested in a Double layer test in South East Norway. After eight years of exposure the highest decay rating (≥3) was found in Scots pine sapwood, Norway spruce, alder, ... -
Effect of kerfing on crack formation in Scots pine log house timber
(Chapter, 2011)In Norway log buildings are normally produced from logs canted on two sides. The canted faces are prone to crack formation during drying. This can cause some disadvantages, e.g. the cracks can trap water from rainfall, ... -
Succession of staining fungi on acetylated wood and the effect of selected influencing factors
(Chapter, 2011)Wood used in outside applications is susceptible to weathering and photo degradation, which often leads to surface discoloration, loss of brightness and surface deterioration. Research has shown that acetylated wood is ... -
Functional genomics of wood degradation - a project summary
(Chapter, 2011)Modified wood can provide protection against a range of wood deteriorating organisms. Several hypotheses have been put forward for the mode of action against wood decaying fungi, including inhibition of action of specific ... -
Comparison of a photogrammetric canopy height model (CHM) with a lidar derived CHM in Vestfold county
(Chapter, 2011)Digital aerial images over Vestfold county were acquired by TerraTec in summer 2007 with a Vexcel UltraCamX sensor. The flying height above-ground was approximately 2800-3000 m which resulted in images of approximately ... -
Lammas shoots in spruce - occurrence, genetics and climate
(Chapter, 2011) -
Extracting data for single trees from photogrammetric canopy height models and true orthophotographs
(Chapter, 2011)Top dieback and mortality of Norway spruce is a particular forest damage that has severe occurrences in scattered forest stands in southeast Norway. As a part of a project to study the extent and causes of the damage we ...