Testing of alternative plant protection products for the control of Microdochium nivale and other diseases on golf greens. Results from the experimental period 1 October 2011 – 1 March 2013
Aamlid, Trygve; Paaske, Klaus; Wiik, Lars; Espevig, Tatsiana; Tronsmo, Arne; Pettersen, Trond; Dahl Jensen, Anne Mette; Andersson, Per Göran
This progress report presents preliminary results from a project providing data for potential registration of Turf S+ (bacterial product containing Streptomyces) and Turf G+/WPG (fungal product containing Gliocladium catenulatum), both from Interagro BIOS AB, and Vacciplant (seaweed product containing laminarine) from Nordisk Alkali AB, for the control of Microdochium nivale and other diseases on golf greens. Field trials with all three products are carried out on greens in Denmark, Sweden and Norway from 2011 to 2014, and Turf S+ og Turf G+/WPG are also tested in vitro. Half way through the project, none of the test-products have shown any consistent control of M. nivale or any other disease. In the trials at Bioforsk Landvik and Arendal GK, Norway, there was little attack of M. nivale and no significant effect of any treatment, while in the trials at Rungsted GC, Denmark and Kävlinge GC, Sweden, there were massive attacks, but a significant reduction in disease only in the fungicide control treatments. The fifth trial, at Sydsjælland GC, Denmark, had more healthy turf just before snow cover in late November 2012 on plots that had been sprayed the test products, especially with Turf S+ or Vacciplant than on unsprayed control plots, although the turf quality was not as good as in the fungicide control treatment. The first in vitro trial with the microbial agents suggested better effect of both G. catenulatum and Streptomyces sp. on M. nivale at 16 than at 6°C. Possible implications of this for the protocol will be discussed with the manufacturer. The experimental work continues until the summer of 2014.