Now showing items 3741-3760 of 4576

    • Survey of the pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Norway 2003 

      Magnusson, Christer; Nyeggen, Hans; Thunes, Karl H; Salinas, Solveig H.; Hammeraas, Bonsak (Grønn kunnskap e;8(119) 2004, Research report, 2004)
      In this survey of 2003, 600 samples were collected from 96 forest blocks in the counties of Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder in southern Norway. The sampling activity involved 19 municipalities situated mainly within the two zone ...
    • Survival of PCN after SoilSaver steaming 

      Vennatrø, Marit Skuterud (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2024)
      The purpose of the experiment was to investigate whether the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) will survive steam treatment in SoilSaver. The results from the SoilSaver experiments show that heat treatment with steam affects PCN’s ...
    • Surviving in a Hostile World: Plant Strategies to Resist Pests and Diseases 

      Wilkinson, Samuel; Mageroy, Melissa; Sánchez, Ana López; Smith, Lisa M.; Furci, Leonardo; Cotton, T. E. Anne; Krokene, Paal; Ton, Jurriaan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08)
      As primary producers, plants are under constant pressure to defend themselves against potentially deadly pathogens and herbivores. In this review, we describe short- and long-term strategies that enable plants to cope with ...
    • SusCatt Synthesis report : Productivity, resource efficiency and product quality of forage and grazing based cattle production systems 

      Butler, Gillian; Flø, Bjørn Egil; Gottardo, Flaviana; Hessle, Anna; Koesling, Matthias; Nadeau, Elisabet; Malisch, Carsten; Riuzzi, Giorgia; Sakowski, Tomasz; Woodhouse, Anna; Walland, Finn; Steinshamn, Håvard (NIBIO-rapport;7(61) 2021, Research report, 2021-03)
      SusCatt considered a wide range of innovations or system comparisons in the 6 countries, all aimed to improve sustainability within European cattle farming. On the whole, these involved reducing production intensity, making ...
    • Sustainability and Potato Consumption 

      Gustavsen, Geir Wæhler (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-12)
      This paper analyses the frequency of the consumption of table potatoes in Norway. The analysis shows that the frequency of potato consumption is higher in older cohorts than in younger, and it declines over the life cycle. ...
    • Sustainable fish feeds: potential of emerging protein sources in diets for juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in RAS 

      Hoerterer, Christina; Petereit, Jessica; Lannig, Gisela; Johansen, Johan; Pereira, Gabriella V.; Conceição, Luis E. C.; Pastres, Roberto; Buck, Bela H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-16)
      In Europe, turbot aquaculture has a high potential for sustainable production, but the low tolerance to fishmeal replacement in the diet represents a big issue. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of more ...
    • Sustainable forest biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines 

      Titus, Brian D.; Brown, Kevin; Helmisaari, Heljä-Sisko; Vanguelova, Elena; Stupak, Inge; Evans, Alexander; Clarke, Nicholas; Guidi, Claudia; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Varnagiryte-Kabasinskiene, Iveta; Armolaitis, Kestutis; de Vries, Wim; Hirai, Keizo; Kaarakka, Lilli; Hogg, Karen; Reece, Pam (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-14)
      Forest biomass harvesting guidelines help ensure the ecological sustainability of forest residue harvesting for bioenergy and bioproducts, and hence contribute to social license for a growing bioeconomy. Guidelines, typically ...
    • Sustainable intensifications of African agriculture through legume-based cropping and Brachiaria forage systems 

      Tesfai, Mehreteab; Njarui, Donald; Ghimire, Sita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-04)
      Legume-based cropping system and Brachiaria forage system could play a significant role in enhancing food and nutrition security and sustainable intensifications of African agriculture. To reveal this potential, a comprehensive ...
    • Svovelkalk mot skurv - gammalt preparat med ny aktualitet 

      Stensvand, Arne; Meland, Jan; Røen, Dag (Grønn kunnskap e;7(125) 2012, Research report, 2003)
      Artikkelen skildrar situasjonen for godkjenning av svovelkalk (kalsiumpolysulfid) i Noreg og nokre andre europeiske land, korleis preparatet virkar, resultat frå norske forsøk og praktisk tilråding ved bruk av preparatet.
    • SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhet 

      Bonesmo, Helge; Bakken, Anne Kjersti; Flaten, Ola; Flø, Bjørn Egil; Gjerlaug-Enger, Eli; Henriksen, Trond Maukon; Hjelt, Anna Landrø; Johansen, Line; Maurset, Marie Uhlen; Stav, Helene; Steinshamn, Håvard; Svendgård-Stokke, Siri; Tufte, Torbjørn; Vatn, Synnøve (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2023)
      Det norske landbasert matsystemet kan defineres som et system bestående av produksjon, foredling, transport og konsumpsjon av jordbruksprodukt. I denne rapporten presenteres resultatene av en SWOT-analyse med hensyn til ...
    • Symposium on Climate Change and Variability – Agro Meteorological Monitoring and Coping Strategies for Agriculture. Oscarsborg, Norway. June 3-6 2008. Book of abstracts 

      Sivertsen, Tor Håkon; Skjelvåg, Arne Oddvar; Orlandini, Simone; Sivakumar, Mannava V.K.; Eitzinger, Josef; Nejedlik, Pavol; Alexandrov, Vesselin; Toulios, Leonidas; Calanca, Pierluigi; Stefanski, Robert; Motha, Raymond; Gamedze, Mduduzi; Trnka, Miroslav; Smith, Ward; Netland, Jan (Bioforsk FOKUS;3(8) 2008, Research report, 2008)
      ‘The Symposium on Climate Change and Variability – Agro Meteorological Monitoring and Coping Strategies for Agriculture’ is organized by the Management Committee of COST734’ Impact of Climate Change and Variability on ...
    • Synergier mellom tiltak for vannmiljø, klimatilpasning og klimagassutslipp. 

      Øygarden, Lillian; Bechmann, Marianne; Starkloff, Torsten; Svendgård-Stokke, Siri (NIBIO Rapport;5(55) 2019, Research report, 2019-07)
      Rapporten dokumenterer effekter av vannmiljøtiltak og synergier med andre miljøtema som utslipp av klimagasser, karbonbinding i jord, økosystemtjenester og klimatilpasning. Eksempler på tiltakspakker er laget for utvalgte ...
    • Synoptic-scale controls of fog and low-cloud variability in the Namib Desert 

      Andersen, Hendrik; Cermak, Jan; Fuchs, Julia; Knippertz, Peter; Gaetani, Marco; Quinting, Julian; Sippel, Sebastian; Vogt, Roland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-24)
      Fog is a defining characteristic of the climate of the Namib Desert, and its water and nutrient input are important for local ecosystems. In part due to sparse observation data, the local mechanisms that lead to fog ...
    • A “system dynamics perspective” of bioenergy governance and local, sustainable development 

      Cavicchi, Bianca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-20)
      This study investigates the governance of bioenergy systems (BESs) and how it influences the bioenergy policy process and local sustainable development. The study compares the BES in Emilia Romagna and Hedmark. At first, ...
    • Systemanalyse av ti forsyningskjeder for skogsflis basert på heltrevirke 

      Belbo, Helmer; Talbot, Bruce; Kjøstelsen, Leif (Rapport fra Skog og landskap;21/2012, Research report, 2012)
      I dette studiet sammenlignes 10 ulike forsyningskjeder for flisproduksjon basert på heltrevirke fra ungskog og kulturlandskap. Alle kjedene starter med felling av virke i bestand og slutter hos sluttforbruker (dvs flislager ...
    • Systematic assessment of commercially available low-input miRNA library preparation kits 

      Heinicke, Fatima; Zhong, Xiangfu; Zucknick, Manuela; Breidenbach, Johannes; Sundaram, Arvind Yegambaram Meenakshi; Flåm, Siri Tennebø; Leithaug, Magnus; Dalland, M; Farmer, Andrew; Henderson, J; Hussong, Melanie A; Moll, Pamela; Nguyen, L; McNulty, Amanda; Shaffer, Jonathan; Shore, Sabrina; Yip, Hoichong Karen; Vitkovska, Jana; Rayner, Simon; Lie, Benedicte Alexandra; Gilfillan, Gregor Duncan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-27)
    • Systematisering av observerte skogskader 

      Solberg, Svein (Others, 2007)
      Nettportalen Skogskader på Internett representerer moderniseringen av et rapporteringssystem som har vært operativt i Norge i over 100 år. Gjennom økt innrapportering, for eksempel med hjelp av den regionale, offentlige ...
    • Systems analysis of field and laboratory experiments considering impacts of CO2 leakage in terrestrial systems 

      Bond, A. E.; Metcalfe, R.; Maul, P. R.; Suckling, P.; Thatcher, K.; Walke, R.; Smith, K.; Rasse, Daniel; Steven, M.; Jones, D. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-05)
      Geological CO2 storage will be designed to prevent any CO2 leakage. However, as recognized by the European Commission's (EC) CO2 Storage Directive, a capability is needed to assess leakage impacts, even though leaks are ...
    • Særtrekk ved vestlandsjordbruket 

      Haukås, Torbjørn; Paulsen Rye, Siv Karin (NILF Notat;2004-4, Research report, 2004-01)
    • Søknad om utslipp av naturlig radioaktivitet fra masselager og tunnel. - Rv. 4 Gran grense - Jaren 

      Engebretsen, Alexander Melvold; Skrutvold, Johanna; Wærsted, Frøydis Meen (NIBIO-rapport;6(172) 2020, Research report, 2020-12)
      I forbindelse med vegutbyggingen av Rv 4 på strekningen Gran-Jaren har NIBIO på oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen Region øst gjort etterundersøkelser av vannkjemi i berørte resipienter og i grunnvannsbrønner tilknyttet et ...