Now showing items 6741-6760 of 9950

    • Prøving av timoteisortar 

      Lunnan, Tor (NIBIO-rapport;7(16) 2021, Research report, 2021-02)
      Ulike timoteisortar er prøvde i rettleiingsprøving hovudsakleg i Sør-Noreg på i alt 32 forsøksfelt. For tida (2020) er tre timoteisortar, ‘Grindstad’, ‘Lidar’ og ‘Liljeros’, marknadsførte i Sør-Noreg. ‘Grindstad’ er ein ...
    • Prøvning av smaa torvmaskiner 

      Thaulow, J. G. (Journal article, 1918-04)
    • PTDW 2011 -Nordic Baltic Potato Tuber-Disease Workshop 

      Hermansen, Arne; Dees, Merete Wiken (Bioforsk FOKUS;6(10) 2011, Research report, 2011)
      Bioforsk had the pleasure of hosting the Nordic Baltic Potato Tuber-Disease Workshop 2011 (PTDW 2011) at Hamar, Norway 16-18 November 2011. The workshop was mainly aimed at potato advisors, including the potato industry, ...
    • Pucciniastrum epilobii (edelgranrust) 

      Talgø, Venche; Stensvand, Arne (Grønn kunnskap e;7(101U) 2003, Research report, 2003)
      Edelgranrust er sjeldan eit stort problem i juletrefelt, men det er registrert ein del skade på nordmannsedelgran. Angrepne nåler vert brune, krøllar seg og fell av, og toppskota kan verta skeive. Denne rustsoppen har ...
    • Pulsed Water Mists for Suppression of Strawberry Powdery Mildew 

      Asalf, Belachew; Onofre, Rodrigo B.; Gadoury, David M.; Peres, Natalia A.; Stensvand, Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-11)
      Powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) is a destructive and widespread disease of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa), especially when susceptible cultivars are grown in high plastic tunnels or glasshouses. Many powdery mildews ...
    • Punktkilder av plantevernmidler - Kartlegging, risikovurdering og mulige tiltak. Sluttrapport 

      Stenrød, Marianne; Eklo, Ole Martin; Bolli, Randi; Romstad, Eirik (Bioforsk rapport;8(101) 2013, Research report, 2013-08-12)
      De senere år har det blitt større oppmerksomhet rundt behovet for å redusere risikoen knyttet til tap av plantevernmidler fra punktkilder. Hovedmålet for prosjektet var å klarlegge behov og mulige metoder for å redusere ...
    • Pupils’ Conception of Organic Foods and Healthy Eating in School 

      Andersen, Stine; Burkal, Anna; Olsen, Malene Falster; Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (Bioforsk rapport;5(37) 2010, Research report, 2010-01-25)
      Adult habits, including unhealthy eating patterns, are largely established during a person´s childhood and early youth. In this connection, public schools are important health promoting platforms due to their potential for ...
    • Pyntebar av edelgran til juledekorasjoner og gravpynt 

      Skage, Jan-Ole; Østgård, Åge (Glimt fra Skog og landskap;01/12, Others, 2012)
    • Pyntegrønt i edelgran. Klippemetodar og barproduksjon 

      Nyeggen, Hans; Østgård, Åge; Skage, Jan-Ole (Rapport fra Skog og landskap;06/2012, Research report, 2012)
      For å få meir kunnskap om barproduksjon på nobeledelgran og andre edelgraner til pyntegrønt, har det vore gjennomført i alt åtte feltforsøk på Vestlandet. I desse forsøka inngår artane nobeledelgran, nordmannsedelgran, ...
    • Pærebrann påvist i kommersiell fruktdyrking i Rogaland 

      Perminow, Juliana; Melbøe, Nils S.; Hansne, Vilde Wiig; Sletten, Arild; Talgø, Venche (NIBIO-Pop;6(32) 2020, Journal article, 2020-08)
      Plantesjukdommen pærebrann har blitt funnet i epletrær i en nyetablert frukthage i Strand kom-mune, Rogaland. Frukttrærne ble importert fra Nederland og plantet i 2019 og 2020. Importen kan ikke helt utelukkes som ...
    • The Qualitative and Quantitative Compositions of Phenolic Compounds in Fruits of Lithuanian Heirloom Apple Cultivars 

      Butkeviciute, Aurita; Liaudanskas, Mindaugas; Kviklys, Darius; Gelvonauskiene, Dalia; Janulis, Valdimaras (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-11)
      As the interest in heirloom cultivars of apple trees, their fruit, and processed products is growing worldwide, studies of the qualitative and quantitative composition of biological compounds are important for the evaluation ...
    • Quality of fish sludge as fertiliser to spring cereals: Nitrogen effects and environmental pollutants 

      Brod, Eva; Henriksen, Trond Maukon; Ørnsrud, Robin; Eggen, Trine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-03-14)
      The aim of this study was to contribute to development of organic fertiliser products based on fish sludge (i.e. feed residues and faeces) from farmed smolt. Four dried fish sludge products, one liquid digestate after ...
    • Quality variation in comminuted forest fuels delivered during the winter in north Sweden 

      Berg, Simon; Bergström, Dan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10-17)
      Swedish legislation stipulates the precision required for estimates of parameters used to determine the value of various forest fuels. The net energy value of fuel, as it is received, is often used to set the trade price. ...
    • Quantification of accuracy in field-based land cover maps: A new method to separate different components 

      Haga, Hannah Emma Emilie Strømsrud; Nilsen, Anne-Barbi; Ullerud, Heidrun Asgeirsdatter; Bryn, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-02)
      Aim Many thematic land cover maps, such as maps of vegetation types, are based on field inventories. Studies show inconsistencies among field workers in such maps, explained by inter-observer variation in classification ...
    • Quantifying fungi in logging residues with real-time PCR 

      Alfredsen, Gry; Børja, Isabella; Filbakk, Tore; Fossdal, Carl Gunnar (Chapter, 2011)
      Logging residues, branches and treetops after logging, were considered in the past as unsalable portions of the felled trees and remained on the landing. Currently, logging residues are harvested, stored in piles for ...
    • Quantifying historical landscape change with repeat photography: an accuracy assessment of geospatial data obtained through monoplotting 

      Bayr, Ulrike (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-20)
      Traditional landscape photographs reaching back until the second half of the nineteenth century represent a valuable image source for the study of long-term landscape change. Due to the oblique perspective and the lack of ...
    • Quantifying regional surface energy responses to forest structural change in Nordic Fennoscandia 

      Kumkar, Yogesh; Astrup, Rasmus Andreas; Stordal, Frode; Bright, Ryan M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-16)
      In a climate model, surface energy and water fluxes of the vegetated ecosystem largely depend on important structural attributes like leaf area index and canopy height. For forests, management can greatly alter these ...
    • Quantifying the drivers of the increasing colored organic matter in boreal surface waters 

      Haaland, Ståle Leif; Hongve, Dag; Laudon, H; Riise, Gunnhild; Vogt, RD (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-03-23)
      Long-term monitoring of surface water quality has shown increasing concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) across large parts of the northern latitudes. This has increased purification costs for domestic ...
    • Quantitative and qualitative workload assessment in steep terrain forest operations: fostering a safer work environment through yarder automation 

      Ottaviani Aalmo, Giovanna; Spinelli, Raffaele; Magagnotti, Natascia; Visser, Rien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-27)
      Many forestry roles have changed from being manual tasks with a high physical workload to being a machine operator task with a high mental workload. Automation can support a decrease in mental fatigue by removing tasks ...
    • Quantitative assessment of observed versus predicted responses to selection 

      Pelabon, Christophe; Albertsen, Elena; Le Rouzic, Arnaud; Firmat, Cyril; Bolstad, Geir Hysing; Armbruster, W. Scott; Hansen, Thomas Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-17)
      Although artificial-selection experiments seem well suited to testing our ability to predict evolution, the correspondence between predicted and observed responses is often ambiguous due to the lack of uncertainty estimates. ...